Zita completed her Part I work experience in 2022 while working at architects-direct.com. Since then, she completed her master's degree at Liverpool School of Architecture, where she explored re-use of buildings, creating communities, and renewable energy production using the Hilbre Island site. During her studies she focused heavily on atmosphere creation and the experience that architecture can create, using texture, light, materials and water. Following the completion of her masters, Zita began working as a Part 11 student at architects-direct, where she mostly deals with sketch schemes and marketing.
Zita is particularly passionate about how architecture can improve the quality of life for occupants and how architecture has the power to foster a sense of community and social sustainability in a location. Zita aspires to produce better homes that people are comfortable and happy in, whether it takes the form of an extension to an existing home or a larger development.
0151 342 7748